Camera Obscura - vidéos, photographies et dessins de Maya Zack

19 May - 9 July 2011

Gallery Natalie Seroussi pre­sents for the first time in France the pieces of Maya Zack, consi­de­red as a major figure in the very active israeli video art scene. Her videos are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a cine­ma­tic lan­guage, bet­ween artis­tic videos and cinema. Maya Zack, the most cine­ma­ti­cally enthu­sias­tic video direc­tor, has won with her short film Mother Economy (2007) many prices in inter­na­tio­nal fes­ti­vals.

Through her movies, Maya Zack trans­po­ses in eve­ry­day life the obses­sive human attempt to control and clas­sify reality. In order to achieve this goal, she uses femi­nine cha­rac­ters who mea­sure with scien­ti­fic vali­dity any ges­tu­res and objects in their envi­ron­ment. Furthermore, the artist also draws and sculpts, two artis­tic tech­ni­ques which played an impor­tant role in the crea­tion of her movies. Thus, the exhi­bi­tion will dis­play two of her movies : Mother Economy (2007) and Black and White Rule (2011) as well as pho­to­graphs and dra­wings.

Curator : Marie Shek